Christmas Letter
Dear Local 217 members.
As we approach the festive season, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your hard work, dedication, and commitment throughout the year. Your contributions play a vital role in making Niagara Parks a beautiful place for all of us.
This holiday season, may you find joy and peace in the company of loved ones, and may the New Year bring you health, happiness, and prosperity. Together, let’s continue to support one another and strengthen our union as we look forward to the opportunities and challenges that await us in the coming year. I hope you are all starting to think about and jot down your thoughts for the upcoming demand set meeting in the new year. I will send out an email and updates as I receive them monthly.
Until then, I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!
Kindest Regards,
Mike Goforth
President Opseu local 217
Messages from the president
Hello Local 217 members!
As this is my first letter to you members let me first say a heartfelt thank you for entrusting me to represent you all in the upcoming 2 years. I and the executive will do our very best to get as much as we possibly can for all our members in the upcoming negotiations.
As per our last local meeting, we voted in our negotiation team which is as follows:
Mike Goforth
Colin Mackenzie
Thomas Churney
Nick Bye
Crispin Bottomly
And Donna Greene as an Alternate
As well, I would like to again take this time to thank our outgoing President Tom Churney for his time served as president and look forward to working with him as our new Chief Steward.
I would also like to welcome Nick Bye as our newly elected Vice President. Looking forward to a good working relationship with you as well.
Rick and Heather are steadfast in their rolls and we will continue to work well together for all of you.
As for our next local 217 meeting in February we will be following typical agenda as well as holding elections for Delegates and alternates for Opseu convention in Toronto. All delegates will have to pay upfront and provide receipts to Opseu through the portal for reimbursement. Also please note that delegates are required to be in attendance for all days of convention to vote on important issues regarding Constitutional changes and amendments as well as Resolution amendments. This affects Opseu as a whole including us here in Niagara Parks.
The Local 217 meeting in May will now be local business as well as demand set meeting for upcoming negotiations. You all have sufficient time to start putting together your list of demands and changes you would like to see. Please talk to fellow members and gather together all demands and bring them to that meeting to be heard. Also, if everyone could kindly keep spreading the word on getting new employees to sign up on the main Opseu website for official membership as well as providing emails to anyone on the executive to get to our Secretary Rick so they will be included in our email communications.
Thank you to all members for the work you do every day in all the varying jobs you do. You are all greatly appreciated by us and we all know without the members and employees of Niagara Parks there would be no Parks. Keep up the great work!
Posters of upcoming meetings will continue to be put out on various platforms as per usual as well as spread around the park on bulletin boards.
Thank you
Mike Goforth
President Opseu local 217
Colective Agreement